Preventative Health

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Now is a great time to use acupuncture and herbal medicine to address your spring allergies! The sooner you start treatment, ideally, the easier your pollen season will be. Here are some tips that will help bolster your immune system in preparation for those spring blooms!

TCM Food Therapy for Summer Wellness

TCM Food Therapy for Summer Wellness

Summer is just around the corner! Beach days, barbecues, and pool hangs are calling our name. The energy of the season is all about joy, connection, expansiveness, and fun. To enjoy the season to its fullest, TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) teaches us how to live in harmony with the season and the feisty element of Fire. Food therapy plays a major role in how we can maintain good health year round!

Acupuncture for Covid Stress Relief

Acupuncture for Covid Stress Relief

Chinese Medicine has been preparing for and treating viruses for thousands of years. And as a holistic medicine, it has also been used for mind-body healing for just as long. We have an incredible toolbox and it has been eye opening to have the honor of using it since the beginning of this pandemic. Here, we are sharing with you a wonderful article from WebMd, “Acupuncture On Point for COVID Stress Relief” by Margaret Etudo (June 29, 2021) that highlights the benefits of acupuncture during these viral and stressful times.

Inside a Session with Balance Acupuncture

Inside a Session with Balance Acupuncture

Curious about what an acupuncture treatment with us looks like? Wonder no longer- here’s how your hour with us unfolds!

How To Make Congee

How To Make Congee

Congee is a traditional, highly nourishing Chinese breakfast used for healing since the Han Dynasty (206 BCE). Made with rice, other grains, and water, eating congee is a simple and powerful way to support digestion and overall health.

A Natural, Herbal Approach to Stress Relief

A Natural, Herbal Approach to Stress Relief

We love integrating Western herbs into our practice. They’re easy to use, fun to learn about, widely accessible, and can be sourced locally and organically. And, there are so many herbs that can help us keep calm and relaxed. The following information is from National Geographic’s special March 2020 edition, Healing Remedies: A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness, and focuses on herbal stress relief.

Chinese Medicine + Self-Care during COVID-19

Chinese Medicine + Self-Care during COVID-19

As our city re-opens and COVID cases spike, it becomes so important to implement your self-care routine! The teachings and practices of Chinese Medicine, along with some lifestyle modifications, can help boost our defenses. When we stay as balanced as possible, our body is stronger, more resilient, and more capable of handling and healing from whatever comes our way. Learn about how we can care for ourselves and our family during this time with at-home wellness practices, herbs, supplements, food therapy, essential oils, and more.

A TCM Toolkit for Seasonal Allergies

A TCM Toolkit for Seasonal Allergies

Do you suffer from springtime allergies? From itchy eyes to asthma, Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can help! Acupuncture and herbal medicine can decrease pain and inflammation, bolster the immune system, and regulate the body's histamine response to its various offenders.