Summer Acupuncture for Winter Wellness

Have you been regular about your acupuncture treatments? It can be easy to fall out of routine in the summer! Now is a great time to get back in to the swing of things, and for a good reason: according to TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) theory, summer is the best season to nourish the body and treat winter diseases. 

Chinese Medicine proposes that we can harness that bright, hot, yang energy of summer to increase our immunity and vitality. Caring for your body while you are feeling healthy is the ideal time to prevent illness and boost your baseline level of health!

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to promote healing and balance. The concept of using acupuncture in the summertime to prevent disease in the winter is rooted in the idea of maintaining balance and harmony within the body's energy systems, or "qi."

Here’s how your summer treatments impact your winter health:

Boosts immunity. Acupuncture can enhance the immune system, making the body more resilient to infections and illnesses that are more common in the winter months.

Balances Yin and Yang. In TCM, the summer is associated with the yang energy, which is active and expansive. Winter is associated with yin energy, which is more inward and conserving. Acupuncture in the summer can help balance these energies, preparing the body to better cope with the colder, more yin-dominated season.

Regulates the internal systems. Acupuncture can help regulate the body's internal systems, such as the respiratory and circulatory systems, which can be more prone to issues in the winter due to cold weather and increased susceptibility to respiratory infections.

Addresses chronic conditions. For individuals with chronic conditions that worsen in the winter, summer acupuncture can help manage symptoms and reduce the likelihood of flare-ups when the colder weather arrives.

Offers preventative care. Regular acupuncture sessions during the summer can address any imbalances or weaknesses in the body, effectively preventing the onset of disease or exacerbation of existing conditions in the winter.

Let’s prioritize Chinese medicine and acupuncture regularly throughout the year- not just when we're falling apart. Your health relies on these consistent practices you do to maintain and optimize your wellbeing. Bring yourself nourishment, balance, and rejuvenation now for vibrant health in the winter!

Make an appointment with your acupuncturist today! (843) 790-4295