Cosmetic Acupuncture Vs. Botox

In the quest for youthful, radiant skin, many turn to various treatments to combat the signs of aging. Two popular options are facial rejuvenation acupuncture and Botox. The former is based on traditional Chinese medicine principles and holistic wellness, and the latter focuses on cosmetic enhancement rather than overall wellness.

While Facial rejuvenation acupuncture and Botox are both treatments aimed at reducing signs of aging, they differ significantly in their methods and effects.

Here are 3 of the most significant differences to consider:

1- Acupuncture is all-natural and non-toxic.

Botox uses a form of toxin that only addresses the superficial signs of aging. Cosmetic acupuncture uses the body's natural healing processes to improve the skin. The insertion of the acupuncture needles stimulates collagen and elastin production, and increases circulation. This results in a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, improves texture, increases firmness, and boosts overall radiance.

Side effects are minimal, with occasional bruising or slight discomfort at the needle sites.

2- Facial acupuncture prevents muscle atrophy.

Botox temporarily paralyzes the muscle and overtime this can cause atrophy and sagging. With cosmetic acupuncture, we can relax or stimulate certain muscles depending on the patients needs. You will still be able to use your facial expressions freely!

3- Acupuncture provides long-term benefits for your skin and health.

Acupuncture is an intentional, highly individualized medicine, even when applied to your facial rejuvenation treatment. Acupuncture points are chosen and inserted in a specific order to increase your overall health and wellbeing. This in turn helps the skin heal, glow and rejuvenate. You are radiating from the inside out!

Your Treatment With Us

Our facial rejuvenation treatments are an effective and natural way to lift and sculpt the face without Botox or fillers! Treatments are designed to...

- reduce fine lines
- define the jaw and neck
- stimulate collagen production
- decrease puffiness
- bring overall glow to the face
- decrease stress and improve overall health

Our practitioners are certified in Mei Zen cosmetic acupuncture. Specific facial and body points are used to offer whole body healing and rejuvenation. This protocol will target your personal health and skincare concerns.

In Summary

Facial rejuvenation acupuncture provides a natural, gradual, holistic approach with overall health benefits, Botox offers a quick, chemical-based method with immediate results, but requires ongoing treatments and carries potential side effects.

Contact your practitioner to learn if facial rejuvenation treatments are right for you, and get ready to glow!