Acupuncture Point Stomach 36: A Powerhouse for Health

If you’ve ever had acupuncture, chances are high that you received acupuncture point Stomach 36 (St-36). This point is renowned in TCM for its powerful effects on the body's overall vitality and well-being. While all acupuncture points on the body promote healing, ST36 stands out for its wide range of health benefits.

The name says it all

The Chinese name for Stomach 36 in acupuncture is "足三里" (Zú Sān Lǐ).

足 (Zú) means "foot" or "leg."

三 (Sān) means "three."

里 (Lǐ) is a traditional Chinese unit of distance

(Zú Sān Lǐ) can be translated to "Leg Three Miles." This name refers to the location of the point, which is found on the leg, and it implies a distance along the leg, traditionally measured as three "li" from a particular anatomical landmark.

More importantly, according to legend, you can press on this point and you’ll be able to walk or run three more miles! This point has an affinity for endurance and longevity.

Stomach 36 is a Summertime Go-To

Using both needles and/or moxibustion (a warming technique) on ST36in the summertime is particularly valued in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for several reasons:

  • Boosting Immunity: ST36 is powerful to strengthen the immune system and our “defensive” wei qi. This is beneficial in summer when the body may be more vulnerable to external pathogens due to changes in weather and increased outdoor activities.

  • Enhancing Digestion: ST36 is a major point for improving digestive function. Summer diets often include more cold and raw foods, which can weaken digestion. Moxa on ST36 helps maintain a healthy digestive system.

  • Balancing Qi: Summer is associated with the Fire element and Yang energy in TCM. ST36 helps balance the body's Qi, nourishing our resourcing and ensuring the excess heat doesn't deplete the body's energy reserves.

  • Preventing Illness: Regular acupuncture or moxibustion on ST36 can prevent summer-related ailments such as heat stroke, dehydration, and gastrointestinal disturbances by maintaining overall health and energy balance.

  • Strengthening the Spleen and Stomach: ST36 is a key point for supporting the Spleen and Stomach, which are crucial for overall energy and nutrient absorption, and production of Qi and Blood. This makes it an excellent point for women’s health! And, strengthening these organs can help the body adapt better to the environmental changes in summer.

DIY Treatment with ACUPRESSURE on Point St36

While professional acupuncture treatment is highly effective, you can also stimulate ST36 at home using acupressure. This may be helpful if you want to strenghten your immune system, treat fatigue, treat menstrual discomfort, target digestive issues, or increase vitality to run 3 miles!

Here’s a simple guide to performing a DIY treatment:

Acupressure on ST36

1. Locate the Point: Sit comfortably and find ST36 on your leg. Measure four finger widths below your kneecap and one finger width to the outside of your shinbone.

2. Apply Pressure: Use your thumb or pointer finger to press firmly on the point. You should feel a slight soreness or tingling sensation.

3. Massage: Apply circular pressure for 1-2 minutes. Be sure to maintain consistent pressure and breathe deeply. Inhale lavender or neroli essential oil to promote relaxation.

4. Repeat: Perform this acupressure technique on both legs, ideally twice a day for best results.

Stomach 36 (ST36) is a powerful acupuncture point that can offer a multitude of health benefits, from boosting immunity to improving digestion and increasing energy. By learning how to stimulate this point through acupressure, you can tap into the healing potential of TCM right at home. Always remember to approach DIY treatments with care and, when in doubt, seek guidance from a professional.