anxiety relief

Acupuncture for Covid Stress Relief

Acupuncture for Covid Stress Relief

Chinese Medicine has been preparing for and treating viruses for thousands of years. And as a holistic medicine, it has also been used for mind-body healing for just as long. We have an incredible toolbox and it has been eye opening to have the honor of using it since the beginning of this pandemic. Here, we are sharing with you a wonderful article from WebMd, “Acupuncture On Point for COVID Stress Relief” by Margaret Etudo (June 29, 2021) that highlights the benefits of acupuncture during these viral and stressful times.

Essential Oils for Stress + Anxiety Relief

Essential Oils for Stress + Anxiety Relief

Essential oils are famously used for their scents, but extracting the essence of a plant makes a potent medicine. Used correctly, they can be very beneficial for many health issues. Essential oils are accessible and easy to use, and can help you feel calmer when they’re incorporated into your self-care routine. Chances are, you might already own one of these helpful antidotes for stress at home!