Essential Oils for Stress + Anxiety Relief

Essential oils are famously used for their scents, but extracting the essence of a plant makes a potent medicine. Used correctly, they can be very beneficial for many health issues. Essential oils are accessible and easy to use, and can help you feel calmer when they’re incorporated into your self-care routine. Chances are, you might already own one of these helpful antidotes for stress at home!

In our practice, we use essential oils according to the principles of Chinese Medicine. When used from this perspective, essential oils are so powerful and effective for treating emotional issues. Many of the oils positively impact the emotions by moving qi to release stagnation, nourishing the body to support emotional wellbeing, and clearing heat to take the edge off.

Essential oils can be inhaled via plastic essential oil inhalers, dropped into hot water and inhaled via the steam or diffused into a room with an essential oil diffuser. They can be applied to acupuncture points or diluted and applied to whole areas of the body. They can be added to salt and dissolved into bath water or a foot soak. No matter how you use your oils, remember that a couple drops goes a long way!

Aromatherapy and essential oils are best and most effectively used under the care of a licensed practitioner. And, they are just one tool in the toolbox to assist with emotional concerns like stress and anxiety. If you’re looking for additional support, consider scheduling a virtual wellness visit with us where you can learn more.

Essential oils for stress and anxiety relief

Bergamot: an uplifting and refreshing oil that brightens the mood and spirits. Regulates qi to relieve stagnation and “stuck'“ emotions. Combine with floral oils like neroli for moments of feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Best used in a diffuser to promote calm and relaxation.

Chamomile (roman): a calming and relaxing oil with a light, fresh scent. Chamomile strengthens the Spleen, regulates qi, and nourishes blood. Helpful for those who experience GI upset with stress, as well as insomnia, angry outbursts, and irritability. Particularly nourishing for women around the time of her cycle.

Clary sage: a sweet, cooling oil whose yin nourishing and heat clearing properties contributes to its sedative actions. Clary sage relieves anxiety with panic attacks and fright. Combines well with wood oils (like sandalwood) and floral oils (like ylang ylang) to settle the emotions.

Frankincense: an aromatic resin that creates a meditative feeling, and helps calm and focus the mind. Relaxes the diaphragm to promote deep breathing, clear the lungs, and release sadness and grief. Use with neroli for anxiety and depression. Combines well with wood oils like sandalwood and patchouli.

Lavender: the quintessential relaxing scent. Promotes the smooth flow of liver qi to release stress, and diffuses lung qi to relieve chest tightness. Use lavender together with deep, resinous oils like frankincense to create calm and peace or with lighter citrus notes to lift the mood. Keep by your bedside for peaceful sleep.

Neroli: also known as orange blossom, this delightful floral oil enters the spleen and heart acupuncture meridians to nurture the Earth element and calm the spirit. Neroli brings you back to your center and helps you to be present in your body. Easy to use for children and helps with anxiety and nightmares.

Vetiver: a woodsy, base-note oil that nourishes and invigorates the blood to root the mind and calm the spirit. Regulates liver qi to release tension in the neck and shoulders. A highly therapeutic oil, vetiver is rich in mood-boosting properties and a wonderful choice for emotional support.

As you experiment with your mood-boosting oils in different blends, remember that scent is very individual. Not everyone will respond the same way to the same oils. It’s always best to try out different oils and pay close attention to your own body’s responses, and choose oils that speak to you!