
Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Now is a great time to use acupuncture and herbal medicine to address your spring allergies! The sooner you start treatment, ideally, the easier your pollen season will be. Here are some tips that will help bolster your immune system in preparation for those spring blooms!

Tips for Spring Wellness According to TCM

Tips for Spring Wellness According to TCM

In Chinese Medicine theory, the Wood element aligns with springtime and corresponds to the Liver organ, which is responsible for the free flow of qi in the body. Themes of the season are growth, strength, courage, vision, and renewal. Learn how the teachings and practices of Chinese Medicine can help ease the transition into Spring and support that wood energy!

A TCM Toolkit for Seasonal Allergies

A TCM Toolkit for Seasonal Allergies

Do you suffer from springtime allergies? From itchy eyes to asthma, Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can help! Acupuncture and herbal medicine can decrease pain and inflammation, bolster the immune system, and regulate the body's histamine response to its various offenders.

A Walking Meditation for Gratitude

A Walking Meditation for Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can be an amazing thing for your body and mind- especially during challenging and stressful times. Studies have shown that gratitude positively contributes to our spiritual wellbeing and mental health, our mood and sleep, and our cardiac health. And as we know, walking has innumerable health benefits on its own, from reducing heart disease to increasing mental cognition.

Spring Wellness + the Wood Element

Spring Wellness + the Wood Element

The Wood energy of the season wants to rise up, push through, and get things done. It’s active and energetic, and supports vision, creativity, and leadership. This is the time of year we would work on any blockages so we can have access to all that great energy. After all, the themes of the season are growth, rebirth, and renewal. When this energy is thwarted or constrained, the result is Qi stagnation.