Tips for Spring Wellness According to TCM

We are SO ready for spring! Enjoy this bit about the wood element and seasonal wellness according to TCM (traditional Chinese Medicine).

In Chinese Medicine theory, the Wood element aligns with springtime and corresponds to the Liver organ, which is responsible for the free flow of qi in the body. Themes of the season are growth, strength, courage, vision, and renewal.

As we transition into this new season, all of the same wood element energy that readies the plants to begin their transition is happening inside of you, too! The energy of wood wants to move outward and get things done.

Often times this transition comes with symptoms of allergies, headaches, and tight muscles. Additionally, if that wood energy cant express itself, the result can be “qi stagnation” and it feels like anger, irritability, depression, mood swings, poor sleep, migraines, pain, tension, worsening PMS, excessive sighing, indigestion, and skin flare ups.

Thankfully, the teachings and practices of Chinese Medicine can help ease the transition into Spring and keep that qi flowing!

Moving stuck energy can be as simple as taking a few deep breaths, using aromatherapy, going for a walk (soak in that vitamin D for an extra immune and mood boost!), or stretching (especially rib openers, hip stretches, and side twists). Or, clean out a closet! This is a really great time of the year to move your body, which helps move your qi!

Lavender, sandalwood, vetiver, rose, peppermint, chamomile, and all citrus essential oils move Qi and support the wood element. Similarly, lemon water and peppermint, matcha, or chamomile tea will help move stagnation in the liver meridian.

Eat more greens. Green is the color associated with the liver and springtime. Eat more young tender plants, including: fresh, leafy greens, sprouts, and immature cereal grasses. Leafy greens like kale, dandelion, collards, and mint are also great choices. This can improve the liver's overall function and aid in the movement of qi. Try to eat locally grown and in season as much as possible. Opt for some sour foods like pickled veggies- sour is the taste associated with unblocking the Liver.

The Liver loves movement, but this movement won’t feel great if we’re not getting enough sleep- an essential time for replenishment and for the liver to recover from the stresses of the day. The most important time of the night for the Liver to restore (when you should be in a deep sleep!) is 1am-3am.

Get acupuncture! Acupuncture helps improve the overall health of your liver as well as treating stress, allergies, immunity, pain, and more! We highly recommend seasonal tune-ups to help the body adapt to changes in the environment. Your acupuncturist may also be able to prescribe supportive herbal formulas for stress, allergies, skin issues, and other issues that arise this time of year!

Contact us to learn more or to book your seasonal wellness tune up! (843) 790-4295 or