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4 Acupressure Points to Improve Digestion

This holiday season, beat the bloat and ease tummy troubles with a simple acupressure routine!

Applying pressure to acupuncture points stimulates the flow of energy (qi) throughout the body and communicates with the nervous system to improve basic life functions like sleep and digestion, bringing us back to homeostasis.

Points that bring balance back to the digestive system are found all over the body. Many of these points influence the stomach, intestine, and other abdominal organs to benefit digestive health. Acupressure along these channels can help relieve indigestion, bloating, acid reflux, constipation, and pain and discomfort.

Some favorite points to improve digestion are: LI-4, Ren 12, ST36, and Sp-6.

When locating points, feel for a tender spot or a place when your finger seems to dip slightly. Most acupuncture points are noticeable once you find them! Apply gentle pressure and massage each point for 30 seconds while breathing deeply into your belly.

Tip: Press the point on each side of the body to feel which one is more tender/sensitive. If you notice a difference, spend some extra time on the tender side. Continue your acupressure treatment until you feel the qi moving and the bloating or pain dissipate!

Bonus tip: Acupressure points to improve digestion pairs well with patchouli, lavender, fennel, coriander, ginger, peppermint, or grapefruit essential oils.

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