Inside a Session with Balance Acupuncture

Curious about what an acupuncture treatment with us looks like? Wonder no longer- here’s how your hour with us unfolds!

We begin our session discussing your health concerns and wellness goals. From your emotional well-being to aches and pains, digestion to energy, it’s all connected for us!

We take your pulses and look at your tongue, two important diagnostic tools in Chinese medicine. Both provide insight into patterns of imbalance and the root cause for your symptoms.

We put all this info together to create a highly individualized treatment plan, just for you! This is your “Chinese medical diagnosis”. It may sound something like “Spleen qi deficiency with dampness” or “Liver qi stagnation with heat”.

Your treatment takes place in a clean, private, peaceful setting. Using a gentle insertion technique, we place tiny, sterile, hair-thin acupuncture needles along specific areas and channels of the body to bring your body back into balance.

Before leaving the room, we make sure everything feels comfortable and let you relax on the treatment table for 20-35 min... this is the “acunap”!

Along with acupuncture, your visit includes any necessary extras such as gua sha, cupping, tui na (Chinese medical massage), moxibustion (heat therapy), essential oils, etc.

We may prescribe an herbal formula or discuss lifestyle changes and dietary modifications to further support your health.

Ask questions! Chinese Medicine is a completely different way of looking at the body. Please feel welcome to ask questions at any time.

Follow-up appointments are recommended to establish a treatment plan, and we will always make referrals to other practitioners for specialized or additional care, as needed!
