
Living With The Seasons: Autumn and The Metal Element

Living With The Seasons: Autumn and The Metal Element

The teachings and practices of Chinese Medicine supports the body, mind and spirit in the midst of change. In preparation for Fall, our focus turns to strengthening the metal element’s organ system pair, the Lungs and Large Intestine, and practice that which we observe in nature: letting go. Enjoy our 10 self-care tips for keeping well this fall.

Fall Health Tips and the Metal Element

Fall Health Tips and the Metal Element

The teachings and practices of Chinese Medicine supports the body, mind and spirit in the midst of change. In preparation for Fall, our focus turns to strengthening the metal element’s organ system pair, the Lungs and Large Intestine, and practice that which we observe in nature: letting go. Enjoy our 10 self-care tips for keeping well this fall.

Seasonal Wellness: Fall, the Lungs + Letting Go

Seasonal Wellness: Fall, the Lungs + Letting Go

The teachings and practices of Chinese Medicine supports the body, mind and spirit in the midst of change. In preparation for Fall, our focus turns to strengthening the metal element’s organ system pair, the Lungs and Large Intestine, and practice that which we observe in nature: letting go. Enjoy our 10 self-care tips for keeping well this fall.

7 Acupressure Points for Stress + Anxiety Relief

7 Acupressure Points for Stress + Anxiety Relief

This is a very stressful and challenging time for many of us. In between/ in lieu of your regular acupuncture treatments, try acupressure to take the edge off. A simple acupressure routine can help manage the effects of stress on the body, allowing our immune system to function more optimally.

Easy-To-Pack Wellness Essentials for Holiday Travel

Easy-To-Pack Wellness Essentials for Holiday Travel

Packing wellness travel essentials can be a real lifesaver when you're on the road for the holidays. Bring along these easy-to-pack items to make your day better and your trip easier. And, get a few tips on pre- and post-holiday travel care!

'Tis the season of fall... and it finally feels like it!

'Tis the season of fall... and it finally feels like it!

Fall is the season of slowing down, contracting inward and beginning to store. It is the time to reserve our energy, to organize, set limits and heed boundaries. The endless energetic days of summer are over, we feel a call to refocus and shift inward. We also see this shift reflected in nature. Days are starting to shorten, leaves are turning, and crisp early mornings are becoming more frequent. As we adjust, so does nature.

How To Turn Your Teatime Into A Soothing Daily Ritual

How To Turn Your Teatime Into A Soothing Daily Ritual

Tea ceremonies have been performed for centuries in cultures all around the world. They are quiet celebrations rooted in mindfulness, respect, and living in the moment—and they can take as little as 10 minutes. How can you get started with your own ritual?

9 Self-Care Tips for Fall

9 Self-Care Tips for Fall

The teachings and practices of Chinese Medicine supports the body, mind and spirit in the midst of change. In preparation for Fall, our focus turns to strengthening the metal element’s organ system pair, the Lungs and Large Intestine, and practice that which we observe in nature: letting go.