The Most Essential Back-To-School Essential Oils

Back to school, back to school!

Immune support, stress management, and mental focus are priorities this time of year. Here are our favorite essential oils for students and teachers:


Its healing properties include: antiseptic, antidepressant, and analgesic oil. As a citrus oil, grapefruit lifts the spirit, promotes mental alertness, and supports the immune system. Grapefruit in particular improves appetite and digestion, treats food stagnation, and regulates the flow of qi to relieve pain. This oil is best used in a diffuser.


Its healing properties include: analgesic, nervine, anti-spasmodic, hypotensive. Most famously, lavender relieves stress and tension. This calming oil also lowers blood pressure, promotes restful sleep, and enhances immunity. Lavender opens the chest and promotes smooth flow of liver qi. This oil can be massaged into the head, neck, and upper shoulders, or, used in a diffuser.


It’s healing properties include: sedative, anti-depressant. This pleasant floral oil eases anxiety and calms a worried mind, supports digestion, soothes a nervous stomach, and enhances overall emotional well-being. Neroli strengthens spleen qi and clears heart fire. Apply neroli to the center of your chest, inner wrists, and center of stomach. This is a wonderful and easy to use oil for children!


Its healing properties include: anti-inflammatory, sedative, hypo-regenerative, carminative, antispasmodic. Peppermint boosts mental clarity and concentration (nourishes a visionary and promotes new ideas!); clears the sinuses and alleviates headaches; and improves IBS (irritable bowel syndrome). Peppermint regulates the liver qi to relax emotions. Because peppermint is quite strong, dilute it with a carrier oil if using directly on the skin, or use straight in a diffuser. Peppermint is not appropriate for young children.

tea tree

Its healing properties include: anti-viral, anti-bacterial, disinfectant. Tea tree excels at reducing histamine levels. We often use it to boost immunity, strengthen the lungs, and protect against colds and allergies. Dilute the oil and use it as a chest rub, or use straight in a diffuser. Tea tree is safe to use for kids!

recommended carrier oils

almond, jojoba