
Spring Wellness + the Wood Element

Spring Wellness + the Wood Element

The Wood energy of the season wants to rise up, push through, and get things done. It’s active and energetic, and supports vision, creativity, and leadership. This is the time of year we would work on any blockages so we can have access to all that great energy. After all, the themes of the season are growth, rebirth, and renewal. When this energy is thwarted or constrained, the result is Qi stagnation.

7 Acupressure Points for Stress + Anxiety Relief

7 Acupressure Points for Stress + Anxiety Relief

This is a very stressful and challenging time for many of us. In between/ in lieu of your regular acupuncture treatments, try acupressure to take the edge off. A simple acupressure routine can help manage the effects of stress on the body, allowing our immune system to function more optimally.

5 Acupressure Points for Immune Support

5 Acupressure Points for Immune Support

In between/ in lieu of your regular acupuncture treatments, a great way to stay healthy during “viral” times is with acupressure. Applying pressure to acupuncture points can help stimulate the channels and communicate with the nervous system to build our body’s natural defenses.

Winter and the Water Element: A Chinese Medical Perspective to Seasonal Wellbeing

Winter and the Water Element: A Chinese Medical Perspective to Seasonal Wellbeing

Wherever you fall in the transition to the cold winter months,  the teachings and practices of Chinese Medicine supports the body, mind and spirit in the midst of change. In preparation for Winter, our focus turns to strengthening the water element’s organ system pair, the Kidneys and Urinary Bladder, and practice that which we observe in nature: stillness and conservation.  

Trying Facial Rejuvenation

Trying Facial Rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation is designed to help the whole body look and feel younger. When we encounter a lot of stress or experience emotional times in our lives, it can often show on our face. The treatment is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine and involves the insertion of needles into not only the face, neck, head and ears; but also, the body.

'Tis the season of fall... and it finally feels like it!

'Tis the season of fall... and it finally feels like it!

Fall is the season of slowing down, contracting inward and beginning to store. It is the time to reserve our energy, to organize, set limits and heed boundaries. The endless energetic days of summer are over, we feel a call to refocus and shift inward. We also see this shift reflected in nature. Days are starting to shorten, leaves are turning, and crisp early mornings are becoming more frequent. As we adjust, so does nature.

9 Self-Care Tips for Fall

9 Self-Care Tips for Fall

The teachings and practices of Chinese Medicine supports the body, mind and spirit in the midst of change. In preparation for Fall, our focus turns to strengthening the metal element’s organ system pair, the Lungs and Large Intestine, and practice that which we observe in nature: letting go. 

7 Natural Remedies to Keep You + Your Daycare Toddler Healthy

7 Natural Remedies to Keep You + Your Daycare Toddler Healthy

There are many easy and effective ways to keep your family healthy, even in the face of daycare germs. Learn about these 7 natural remedies to help boost your little one's immunity, lessen the severity of cold and flu symptoms, and promote a quick recovery.

Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Tidy Up (and other lessons from the metal element)

Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Tidy Up  (and other lessons from the metal element)

We’re all familiar with spring cleaning, but fall is a perfect time to de-clutter and tidy up! Understanding the five elements allows us to bring harmony in our home and in ourselves. The fall welcomes in the metal element phase. After the growth of spring (wood) and the abundance of summer (fire), fall, the season of the metal element, is a time to decrease.

Treating Addiction with NADA Ear Acupuncture Protocol

When it comes to treating addiction, acupuncture provides a foundation for recovery and rehabilitation, in addition to empowering you to create change.

The Spirit of the Small Intestine Acupuncture Channel

The Spirit of the Small Intestine Acupuncture Channel

In Five Element theory, each of the five elements has a correlating season and organ system pair. For the Fire element, the season is Summer and the organ systems are the Heart and Small Intestine. Here, the spotlight is on the Small Intestine- a favorite channel used to clear summer-related heat and dampness, improve mental clarity, calm the spirit, and support digestion and gut health.

It's All Connected: The Amazing Meridians

It's All Connected: The Amazing Meridians

It may seem strange that when you get an acupuncture treatment for a backache we needle a point behind your knees, or for gall bladder stones we needle a point on your foot. What makes it possible? Every part of your body is connected by a meridian system!