The Benefits of Acupuncture for College Students

Test anxiety, soccer injuries, poor focus in class, frequent colds, nicotine addiction, stress headaches and neck tension... Can you relate to any of these common student afflictions? Acupuncture can help!

Acupuncture is one of the best tools out there for helping you cope with the daily stresses of your college and social life. As a holistic medicine, acupuncture looks at how root imbalances affect the whole system. When one thing is out of whack, it can affect you in multiple ways. Acupuncture excels at tackling multiple symptoms all in one treatment.

Acupuncture is a “root and branch” medicine. In other words, treatments alleviate the physical and emotional symptoms you experience and also correct the underlying imbalances of Qi in the body that may be causing your symptoms. Spleen Qi deficiency, for example, is a pattern of imbalance often associated with anxiety and worry, over- thinking, low energy and poor appetite.

Lauren Becker, Balance owner + acupuncturist, started using acupuncture herself during her sophomore year of college at the University of Maryland. The Student Health Center amazingly offered acupuncture as a service to students. Receiving treatments once a week helped relieve her allergies, asthma, and anxiety, and most importantly, enjoy college life feeling really great.

Acupuncture is much more than throwing an ice pack on your ankle sprain, or taking a Tylenol for your migraine. By treating the root of the issue, you will decrease the incidence of those migraines, prevent recurrent injuries to that vulnerable ankle, and boost your overall well-being. Acupuncture is most well-known for its ability to “take the edge off” and calm the nervous system, helping you feel less affected by and better equipped to manage the stressful aspects of life.

Bonus: many people notice improved mental clarity after acupuncture!