home remedies

Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Tidy Up

Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Tidy Up

The Metal Element is all about a lesson in "letting go." Leaves fall from trees, autumn harvest begins, and the days are shorter and cooler. From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, there might also be a benefit it beginning to tidy, declutter, and let go of that what you no longer need. South Carolina-based Acupuncturist Lauren Becker, L.Ac. shares perspective on why you might think about using this time to "Marie Kondo" your house.

7 Natural Remedies to Keep You + Your Daycare Toddler Healthy

7 Natural Remedies to Keep You + Your Daycare Toddler Healthy

There are many easy and effective ways to keep your family healthy, even in the face of daycare germs. Learn about these 7 natural remedies to help boost your little one's immunity, lessen the severity of cold and flu symptoms, and promote a quick recovery.