7 Natural Remedies to Keep You + Your Daycare Toddler Healthy

This week, our one year old stars daycare. It’s a bittersweet transition that feels very exciting and just a little sad (I’ll be fine, I promise). As both Acupuncturist and Mom, I feel both extremely ready and not ready for the potential germ onslaught. Daycare toddlers, on average, get sick 8-12 times in their first year of daycare!

The good news: being exposed to germs early on will strengthen your little one’s immune systems so that they endure less sick days in the future. And, our daycare toddler will force us to be more diligent than ever to stay on top of our self-care and diet! I have a gazillion tools in my toolkit for keeping my family (and yours!) healthy. Sometimes I forget that, and get lost in the anxiety thinking about how many times she will get a cold and if she is doomed to be a booger face forever.

So, I write this article for myself and for you, as a reminder that there are MANY easy and effective ways we can stay healthy, even in the face of daycare germs. If we do get sick, these natural remedies will help to lessen the severity of the symptoms and promote a quick recovery. And of course, these recommendations are in addition to the basics: wash your hands, get good rest, stay hydrated, and control cross-contamination.

Here are 7 safe and natural home remedies to keep your family and your toddler healthy when daycare begins (because these are at-home remedies, acupuncture is not on this list- but, it is my #1 go-to for preventative care and to treat stubborn cold symptoms):

Elderberry for everyone!

This tasty immune-enhancing fruit can be enjoyed by the entire family! Elderberry helps prevent and relieve cold and flu symptoms. The fruit is loaded with vitamin A and vitamin C and packed with healing antioxidants. During cold and flu season, I recommend taking the syrup preventatively. My one year old loves its sweet and tangy flavor and will eat it by the spoonful! Elderberry can also be prepared as a supplement, lozenge, or herbal tea. For a fever, I recommend diluting the syrup in a glass of water to stay hydrated and to break the fever more effectively. To shorten the duration of flu symptoms, elderberry is most effective when taken within the first 24 hours. Bonus: elderberry combines well with honey! Yum!

For the kiddos, I recommend this alcohol-free brand: Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup for Kids

Take probiotics for prevention.

Probiotics are living microorganisms found in fermented foods that help balance the “friendly” bacteria in the digestive system. A healthy gut and strong digestion are keys to vitality, energy and overall lasting health (interestingly, the go-to acupuncture point to boost overall wellness and immunity is Stomach-36 “Leg Three Mile”, a point along the Stomach acupuncture meridian!). Probiotics can be taken daily as food or in a supplement to support immunity and gut health. Supplementing with probiotics is especially important if your little one has been prescribed antibiotics, which kills both good and bad bacteria. I dissolve a little bit of probiotic powder in my daughter’s water a few times a week. (We also use probiotics to help promote healthy bowel movements! If poops seem dry or difficult to pass, probiotics can certainly help.) Note: probiotics must be refrigerated because they contain living microorganisms.

I like this brand of probiotics for little ones: Toddler’s Blend Probiotic by Flora

Diffuse essential oils.

When it comes to essential oils and toddlers, you have to be mindful about dilution and appropriateness. For example, peppermint oil is great for adults but is too strong to use topically on a one year old. Instead of topical application, I recommend diffusing oils in the room because you don’t have to worry about dilution or skin reactions, and the diffuser benefits everyone in the room. My favorite germ-fighting oils to use include: eucalyptus radiata, tea tree, lavender, lemon, and palmarosa. Eucalyptus radiata is cooling and especially great for kids who tend to have more heat in their systems than adults (think about how quickly they can develop a high fever). Used together, tea tree and eucalyptus have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, disinfectant, anti-histamine, anti-inflammatory, and decongestant properties (wow!). Lemon and lavender will add a pleasant smell while also supporting the immune system and lifting the mood. Palmarosa is my favorite to use when there is a rapidly spreading sickness going around, like strep throat or the flu. Use them all together or on their own!

My current favorites to use in the house: Kid Safe Germ Destroyer by Plant Therapy and Microbe-X by Snow Lotus

Eat nutrient-rich foods.

Vitamin C, Vitamin A, zinc, and protein are top priorities. These are found in fruits, veggies, grains, and animal products. Brightly colored fruits and veggies are especially great sources of Vitamin C, an essential nutrient to promote healing. Orange foods like sweet potatoes and carrots are loaded with Vitamin A, a vitamin necessary for healthy skin. Skin is our top defense against infection, so keeping it healthy is essential for staying well. Zinc, an important mineral found in meat, whole grains, seeds, nuts, legumes, dairy, eggs, and shellfish, strengthens the immune system and promotes wound healing. Protein gives us the strength required to overcome illness if we should get sick, and can be found in the similar foods that are high in zinc. Note: Rather than fruit juices, consume whole fruits to get the most nutritional benefits.

I am obsessed with The Minimalist Baker for healthy and super simple recipes.

Use aromatic spices.

Think chicken soup spices or chai tea spices. Spices are rich in healing properties and can strongly open the lungs and sinuses to clear out congestion and phlegm. Cinnamon and ginger, for example, are loaded with antioxidants, they decrease inflammation, and both contain antiviral and antibacterial properties. They are often used together in Chinese herbal formulas to treat the common cold. Thyme, oregano, and basil together are antiviral, antibacterial, anti fungal, and anti parasitic. For the kids: Try sprinkling cinnamon on oatmeal or sweet potatoes. Add some ginger root to boiling water, simmer, and make ginger root tea. Use your chicken soup spices in pasta sauce or frittatas. Chinese Medicine would advise consuming white, spicy foods such as garlic, onion, leeks, scallions, and horseradish to clear the lungs and enhance immunity.

Mountain Rose Herbs is a fantastic website to order bulk spices and herbs online

Consume local, raw honey.

Local, raw honey is full of beneficial enzymes, antioxidants, and nutrients. Rich in antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties, this tasty medicinal is a powerful aid to strengthen your immune system, treat seasonal allergies, soothe a sore throat, heal wounds, and ease digestive issues. To calm a cough or break up chest congestion, try using honey in hot water with a little bit of lemon. We love using food as medicine! Note: honey is safest for toddlers one year and older.

We recommend Charleston’s very best local, raw honey: Queen & Comb

Keep Yin Qiao San in your medicine cabinet.

This formula is for the parents! Yin Qiao San is a classic Chinese herbal formula used to treat sickness that comes on quickly with fever, thirst, and a sore throat. In other words: HEAT symptoms. Chinese Medical theory refers to colds that present with heat symptoms as a “wind-heat” condition. Herbs in the formula disperse wind-heat, strengthen the lungs, open the airways, and resolve toxicity. The minute you feel any of these “wind-heat” symptoms come on, take Yin Qiao. The formula can be taken as a tea, tincture, or pills. Shortening the duration of your illness and easing your symptoms will benefit the whole family!

Available in our herbal pharmacy: Yin Qiao San herbal pills and herbal tea