Trying Facial Rejuvenation

by Andrea Geiger, L.Ac.

(Andrea received advanced training in cosmetic acupuncture from Virginia Doran, M.S., L.Ac. and Dr. Guangying Zhou L.Ac. She additionally earned a Diploma in Dermatology through the Avicenna Center in England.)

Slow down the aging process in a natural way, without injections.

I first tried facial rejuvenation acupuncture about four years ago in Portland, Oregon. Even as an acupuncturist, I was skeptical that a treatment could lift my cheeks, fade fine lines, increase brightness and reduce hormonal acne. I was going to turn 40 and felt the full weight of the number (in truth…more in my head than on my face). At the time, I was slightly obsessed with my cheekbones, as they seemed to sag a bit more year after year. If I could find a safe, cost-effective way to give them a lift, I was all-in. Especially, if it could help me happily embrace my age.

I went to my first facial rejuvenation acupuncture session. Afterwards, I was truly amazed by the results, which lasted for weeks. My checks were lifted and the fine lines around my eyes evaporated. I just glowed. Literally, glowed for over a week. Forty, please…. I felt more like 33. My expectations were met on the first treatment. This usually does not happen with patients, as it can take up to 5-6 treatments to see results. I was impressed and curious.

I began my study of facial rejuvenation acupuncture with local teachers in the Portland area. As I wanted to expand my knowledge, I decided to study with the originator of the technique out of New York, Virginia Doran, L.Ac. In November, I attended an amazing weekend training and became certified in facial rejuvenation techniques. I am extremely excited to share this process with other woman in Charleston, who may be looking for a more natural way to address the aging process.

how it works

Facial rejuvenation is designed to help the whole body look and feel younger. When we encounter a lot of stress or experience emotional times in our lives, it can often show on our face. The treatment is based on the principles of Chinese Medicine and involves the insertion of needles into not only the face, neck, head and ears; but also, the body. Acupuncture points are chosen and inserted in a specific order, to increase an individual’s overall health, which in turn helps the skin to glow and appear younger. The ideal series length is 10-12 treatments. And, the treatment series can hold five years or more, with a maintenance treatment every four months. 

facial rejuvenation is for anyone who...

  • wants to slow the aging process

  • Is interested in an alternative to injections

  • wants to reduce the impact of stress and emotion on their face.

  • has acne or rosacea

what results can I expect?

  • Increased muscle tone, lifting sagging cheeks and jawlines

  • Elimination of puffiness

  • Reduction of fine lines, crow’s-feet, laugh lines, the “11” lines between the eyebrows

  • Sculpting of the face, bring definition to your features

  • Increased moisture, blood circulation and tighten the pores

  • Reduction of bags under the eyes

  • Lifted eyelids

If you are curious about facial rejuvenation acupuncture and want to learn more or setup an appointment, please contact us. I'd like to introduce you to the process and see how it can help you look younger and just glow!

Andrea is accepting NEW clients for facial rejuvenation beginning in January 2020.