Herbal medicine

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Natural Remedies for Seasonal Allergies

Now is a great time to use acupuncture and herbal medicine to address your spring allergies! The sooner you start treatment, ideally, the easier your pollen season will be. Here are some tips that will help bolster your immune system in preparation for those spring blooms!

Seed Cycling for Hormones + Fertility

Seed Cycling for Hormones + Fertility

Seed cycling is a gentle method of balancing hormones during the two phases of your monthly cycle using nutrients found in seeds. The seeds used for seed including include: flax, pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds. Download our free seed cycling guide and get all of the details!

Acupuncture for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Acupuncture for Rheumatoid Arthritis

The Sloth’s wisdom represents a “three-toed” state of relaxed body and mind, consuming a primarily herbivore diet, and living in complete harmony with one’s environment. This wisdom can be realized in modern-day human beings through the three medicinal toes of proper diet, and the relaxing, mind-body healing effects of Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine. Proper lifestyle and diet combined with Chinese Medical therapies can help rheumatoid arthritis patients live a completely pain free life.

A Natural, Herbal Approach to Stress Relief

A Natural, Herbal Approach to Stress Relief

We love integrating Western herbs into our practice. They’re easy to use, fun to learn about, widely accessible, and can be sourced locally and organically. And, there are so many herbs that can help us keep calm and relaxed. The following information is from National Geographic’s special March 2020 edition, Healing Remedies: A Holistic Approach to Health and Wellness, and focuses on herbal stress relief.

Chinese Medicine + Self-Care during COVID-19

Chinese Medicine + Self-Care during COVID-19

As our city re-opens and COVID cases spike, it becomes so important to implement your self-care routine! The teachings and practices of Chinese Medicine, along with some lifestyle modifications, can help boost our defenses. When we stay as balanced as possible, our body is stronger, more resilient, and more capable of handling and healing from whatever comes our way. Learn about how we can care for ourselves and our family during this time with at-home wellness practices, herbs, supplements, food therapy, essential oils, and more.

DIY Chinese Medicine for Stress Reduction

DIY Chinese Medicine for Stress Reduction

During these challenging times, some days are better than others. The other day was not so great. I could feel stress manifesting itself throughout the day, but with a toddler in tow, there is little time for stress management. Deep breaths is about the most I can fit in. After my little one went down for the night, I finally had time for a little self-care! This at-home treatment took a total of 15 minutes and I felt the stress melt away using these Chinese Medicine practices.

A TCM Toolkit for Seasonal Allergies

A TCM Toolkit for Seasonal Allergies

Do you suffer from springtime allergies? From itchy eyes to asthma, Chinese Medicine and acupuncture can help! Acupuncture and herbal medicine can decrease pain and inflammation, bolster the immune system, and regulate the body's histamine response to its various offenders.

Easy-To-Pack Wellness Essentials for Holiday Travel

Easy-To-Pack Wellness Essentials for Holiday Travel

Packing wellness travel essentials can be a real lifesaver when you're on the road for the holidays. Bring along these easy-to-pack items to make your day better and your trip easier. And, get a few tips on pre- and post-holiday travel care!

How To Turn Your Teatime Into A Soothing Daily Ritual

How To Turn Your Teatime Into A Soothing Daily Ritual

Tea ceremonies have been performed for centuries in cultures all around the world. They are quiet celebrations rooted in mindfulness, respect, and living in the moment—and they can take as little as 10 minutes. How can you get started with your own ritual?