Meditation + Mindfulness

Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Tidy Up

Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Tidy Up

The Metal Element is all about a lesson in "letting go." Leaves fall from trees, autumn harvest begins, and the days are shorter and cooler. From a Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, there might also be a benefit it beginning to tidy, declutter, and let go of that what you no longer need. South Carolina-based Acupuncturist Lauren Becker, L.Ac. shares perspective on why you might think about using this time to "Marie Kondo" your house.

A Walking Meditation for Gratitude

A Walking Meditation for Gratitude

Practicing gratitude can be an amazing thing for your body and mind- especially during challenging and stressful times. Studies have shown that gratitude positively contributes to our spiritual wellbeing and mental health, our mood and sleep, and our cardiac health. And as we know, walking has innumerable health benefits on its own, from reducing heart disease to increasing mental cognition.