Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine shares the thousand year old lineage with acupuncture. Herbs are a big part of our practice that can be used as a stand-alone therapy or as a powerful addition to your acupuncture treatment. Herbs are commonly combined to make formulas, which come in many forms including pills, powders, raw herbs and topicals. You can boil some herbal formulas into teas and some can be added to soups and congee.
When taken under the guidance of a licensed practitioner, herbs can be safely used to treat many conditions without the side effects associated with pharmaceuticals and pain meds. We offer both classic herbal formulas and custom formulas, tailored to the unique needs of each client. We use GMP certified herbs from reputable suppliers.
Herbal medicine provides a way to improve your health on a daily basis. Whether they are used to build internal strength over the long term or to quickly resolve cold symptoms or acute pain, taking herbs is truly an investment in your health.