Summer Self-Care from a Chinese Medical Perspective

Hello, 90 degree temps and long sunny days! Whether you thrive in the heat or want to melt away, self-care is essential this time of year.

The transition from Spring to Summer is represented by the wood element moving into the fire element. The new growth and budding energy of spring is now exploding into summer vibrance and abundance! The organ system related to the fire element is the heart, so our summer our self-care routine should support a healthy heart and circulatory system. Acupuncture, essential oils, herbs and nutrition will keep your body in balance during this seasonal transition.

As the Heat Turns Up, Here Are Our Favorite Ways To Stay Healthy:

1. ACUPUNCTURE. Acupuncture quickly and effectively invites change and balance in our body. No surprise here, that acupuncture is our #1 go-to for self-care, especially with regards to seasonal change. Points to balance the "fire element" and boost the health of its corresponding organ pair, the Heart and Small Intestine, become essential during these steamy summer days!

2. HERBAL TEA. The name of the game this time of year is to clear heat, nourish the fluids, and replenish depletion. The Chinese herbal tea blend, Dao Chi San, tackles all three! Herbal iced teas that are RED are also very beneficial. Red is the color of the fire element and red herbs tend to favor heart health! Some of these herbs include hibiscus, rooibos, and hawthorn.

3. ESSENTIAL OILS. As the temperature climbs, cooling oils like peppermint and geranium are excellent summer allies. A drop of peppermint on the back of your neck or chest will quickly clear summer heat and treat summer bugs or heat exhaustion. Geranium is cooling and also nourishes yin, keeping your body and skin hydrated and refreshed.

4. EATING WITH THE SEASON. In the warmer months, our diet should be light, cooling, brightly colored, and hydrating. Now is the time to include more raw food into the diet. Our absolute top favorite for beating the heat is watermelon!

5. STAY ACTIVE. The Wood Element of spring enjoyed some good stretches and lots of walks. Soon, our focus turns to the heart and the fire element. A healthy heart and circulatory system requires regular exercise. Get in some good cardiovascular exercise and try to build a sweat, which helps to cleanse toxins from the body.

6. ENJOY LIFE TO ITS FULLEST. The hot, sunny, long days of summer invite the Fire in us to come out and play. The emotion of the fire element is joy, and its sound is laughter. Hanging out with friends and family, throwing backyard bbq parties, going to the beach or to the ball game supports the social inclination of the Fire element and encourages a happy heart. A sense of humor, having fun, and a good laugh just might be the best medicine!

7. BALANCE FIRE WITH WATER. Not surprisingly, it becomes easy to push our Fire to its limits. Symptoms like fatigue, lethargy, dehydration, insomnia, and irritability are signs that the Fire element needs extra attention. The job of the five elements in Chinese Medicine is to keep each other balanced and in check. It’s important to balance the hot, active, yang energy of the fire element with its polar opposite: the cooling, nourishing, slow, yin energy of the water element. Take time to slow down with a nap, yoga or meditation. Or more literally, get in the water! Connecting with the water element is grounding and helps to keep your fire from flaring and burning out.